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Although secluded valley here, but there are still days Xuanzai here, the day Xuanzai wine a drink, then dinning, due toms outlet predecessors, solitary Chen can not not listen cheap toms nagging. So here is not suitable for reading. Fu ghosts thought, said : cheap toms can Centering Pavilion, where there are no ghosts to go. Leading the way to that character ghost solitary Chen said. That breaks the ghost slowly dancing, led solitary Chen went Centering kiosks. Centering pavilion is actually a small pavilion on the edge of the river Styx, booth there Danzhuoshideng, quite simple.

To the centering Pavilion, after solitary Chen sit down, then that symbol of ghosts : you do not idle, and go and look toms shoes sale that, in the end there is no reincarnation. Chen solitary tone, unceremoniously, he looked at the character Ghost in mind : You took so many benefits cheap toms here, if we do not do things for cheap toms, should you use. It also breaks down the ghost altogether, the moment promised, they drifted away. Solitary Chen wanted to learn a second internal strength, magic is not moving, internal strength "mountain of volumes " on. For solitary Chen, he is not moving does not like magic, because magic does not move if you want to level up, is really only stay put, keep pranayama meditation, in order to enhance the internal strength level, this is not a solitary Chen like the way.

And whenever martial arts " Mountain volume" on the magic must have fixed as a basis to better use. Chen will solitary "mountain of volume,cheap toms," and it does not move magic began to read, you can read a hundred -grade fixed magic "mountain of the volume " on, after one hundred, they have to adjust their own interest rates to practice meditation. Time goes by like water in their lives profession, is no day without night, do not know how long, solitary Chen has that magic does not move read a hundred level, and then turn on the mountain can roll and roll yin learn martial arts are learned.

