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It is difficult to sort out what the clue. Qin Yang smiled: certainly so ah, or else will be credited with the former Minister Li will not ship iron gates iron chains of ah. But because of this, so just go to nike air max 90 Zhu sister to the mountains ah. Zhu Yuehua heard, sweet touches my heart, in fact, come to do business with the general ledger will remember to do this, or because of her husband County Department of ministers, and a back door to go ah, however, Qin Yang of this speech, obviously very sure themselves, for their abilities, Zhu Yuehua also very confident, decades will remember his career may not be kidding ah, just past, people are seeing their relationship, to see my own husband, never people because of their ability to value their own, Qin Yang of this speech, although there are some courtesy of the ingredients, but this is less the case of Zhu Yuehua evaluation, so Zhu Yuehua looked Qin Yang a gentle, smiled and said: it accounts indeed very complicated !

Qin Yang nodded,nike air max, then asked a random investment funds asked to do on account of this and asked do not know, I asked touches shocked, investment funds which actually do the book there are more than five hundred thousand, which is what concept, and a mere year Anyi County GNP was only fifty million, profits but also several million years to do this investment down, actually the accumulation of more than five hundred thousand, which is a very alarming. The former director of the Investment Office, the county government really is to live up to the expectations and attention ah, Qin Yang laments not help but see the Zhu Yuehua income sorted out problems, but was taken aback, turned out that more than five hundred thousand among Merchants do a lot because of three production created profits that do business with the location of a street store rent is cheap, which shows, Qin Yang 's predecessor, the development of this economy still has some ability, but unfortunately, this more and more people gradually deviated from the direction, alas, economic and human rights really are able to corrosion ah !

Qin Yang looked at the balance sheet of Zhu Yuehua said: After each of the sections of the funds only after obtaining the signature of the Deputy Director to be able to be reimbursed and paid, each department 's funding limit is $ 10,000 more than this number must be have cheap nike shoes signature ! Zhu Yuehua nodded, hesitated, and said: qin, this month ten thousand funding limit is not a high point, the best comes to a thousand dollars of money that you have a look ah. Zhu Yuehua mean, Qin Yang was very aware that this financial power is the number of spine, if not grasp this, then it is quite afford spine, however, Qin Yang not ready to change, for him, to do still a lot of things, Qin Yang waved: no, Zhu sister, your kindness cheap nike shoes is known, however, on the first handled in accordance with this standard, and then wait until the quarterly assessment, will introduce new limits !

