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Bodrum simply said sorry, then turn off the radio, silently circling in this sea, waiting for their team set here. 24 aircraft at full capacity sprang to the specified location, location is the first to base this year Pauline new rookie class couple, Marcus, this guy is a skill Sun Xiang drilled out after the wave forest bases in the mix is fast, and if that is the new generation of pilots representative figures, this time is to be drawn up, a member of the air force as six sea confrontation, the envious eyes of a group of newbies Oakley australia back luggage arrived on this overseas islands, and their own Executive meet again dear mood undoubtedly great, but Gengshuang is finally able to realize their value, and for Cheap Oakley Sunglasses, the value is the fast attack enemy pilots goals, Yijizhiming then provide adequate fire support to their own troops.

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