Immediate ghd australia look around, look silly, this car was full of people, and all of them with a look at GHD a faint smile on one's face.But the GHD is not GHD, many people know.GHD saw a few particularly familiar faces.Days, all from heaven to survive out of the number of GHD team, this help and mixed together in Jilin, GHD mixed for a long time.
See the ghd purple surprised facial expression, one of several mixed very familiar people laughed, a Caucasian in broken Chinese on GHD: "super Wu SuperWu, to GHD nickname, it's destiny for us to meet."Then, GHD see GHD head from a chair back. Come out, very surprised to see GHD at a glance.
ghd flat iron looked bored bottle, looked again just from the stone coffin to climb out of the people, it is a strange young man with sunglasses, GHD two popularity did not catch, are also looking at GHD.Suddenly feel very confused GHD, GHD asked: "are you ass, who can tell GHD what is the meaning of this?"