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ghd australia to drag in, depression is very shallow, is not high, which is short for GHD, to get out of a position, while someone handed GHD water.Here is the wind corner, can speak, but GHD's ears are not used to, do not say anything to GHD in.After drinking some slobber, GHD feel better, take off his goggles, as with his mother, China has so many good places, why GHD wants to come here?

However, the wind in the Qaidam should not be a rare, this is not the most terrible wind, ghd purple had seen on the Qaidam Basin geological exploration documentary, when exploration team in the tent to the trade winds, the results would give a kite to blow up, material once blew out ten miles.But GHD feel is strange, the main Zhuoma why no warning GHD?Gobi's trade is very clear, do not say the old man, as long as they are living here for a long time can feel the rule.

Also, don't know when the wind to blow, often listen to people say Gobi, this place one year only blown wind two times, each time scraping for half a year, once the scraping up endless.If the long time does not stop, ghd flat iron.Stuffy oil bottle and the black glasses soon went out again, certainly is for other people, the people here are obviously frightened, few people speak, all huddled together.GHD felt funny, heart thought these people like Indiana Jones, the original is so bad, but GHD was found their feet don't stop shaking, and couldn't stand up.

