Listening to the radio, ghd australia is not found, the man seems not to talk, the kind of voice, very odd, it is hard to describe, carefully listen to the sounds, even if is a person in a bitter sneer.GHD "well", feel good, listen listen, listen to feel more like, this is definitely not talking, not sure there is laughter, but very much alike.
Several other people also realized, ghd purple stopped calling, GHD looked at each other, are a bit surprised.Team doctor: "what's the matter?GHD how to laugh?Is it right? Heard GHD's voice was so happy?"GHD is also a face doubts, she no longer call, but continue to debug a walkie-talkie, want it sound more clear point.
Debug no role, but the sound was again a bit, ghd flat iron again posted to listen, and to hear more clearly the point, really like cold laughter, it sounds so enmity, not normal person issuing, like a lunatic asylum.But listen carefully to this feeling, and laughter, there are a number of other voices, very slight.Two voice mixed together, in this with horror color devil city sounds quite strange.